1928 baby Osamu

1941 Junior High

"New Treasure Island"


October 4th, 1959,
wedding day

Leo/Kimba evolve

BlackJack publication cover

Shares knowlege at Manga Expo '82

Creating "Laughter"

Tezuka Osamu Museum

Osamu Tezuka - Life Outline

(**Click on images at left and linked words to view full size images seperate window)

1928 - Born eldest son of Tezuka, Yataka & Fumika in Osaka
1937 - At 9 yrs old writes his 1st manga about himslef called “Pin Pin Namachan”
- his favorite magato read was “Norakuro” & Small General “ by Suihon Tagawa which was featured in his subscription to “Minor Citizen Paper”
1939 - At about 11 years old, he writes the picture story “Martian come over!” & the
manga “Fishing With Fuku -Chan” His long magna “Night in China” circulates his
classroom and impressed his classmates & teacher
1942 - creates an animal lover’s group w/ his friends at age 14
1943-1944 - creates a series of animal picture books
1945 - enters the medical dept of Osaka U. & writews “Old Fellows Treasure Island” which becomes “West Rush” & “Ghost Fellw” in Indian Ink
1946 - writes the 1st of the “Lost World”
1947 - Brings out “New Treasure Island” book w/ sotr b Shichima Sakai, sold 400 thousand copies
1949- Metropolis, the artificail intelligence sci-fi, was published as a graphic novel (released as a long animation in 2001)
1950 - “Jungle Emperor Leo” is to be serialized under the publisher, Gathudaousha in the comic magazine called “Manga Shonen”, he is 22 years old
1951 - graduates form the medical dept. of Osaka U.
- Joins children;’s manga society of Tokyo (Jimannagaya)

1955 - “Mushi Neuo” starts the Tezuka Osamu Friendship Club
1957 - “Astroboy” starts airing on Tokyo TV
- Tezuka appears on the TV program “Everybody Wants to See Him” on Tokyo TV
1958 - “Beeko-chan” & “Cartoonist Seminar on Biology” recieves Shogakukan Publisher Manga Prize
- Joins Kids Manga Festival held by CMST
- Produces 1st animation “His Yu Chi” by Toei Films
- Assoc. of Artists Pub. award him for oil paintings
1959- Matsuzaki Production produces TV drama "AstroBoy" on Fuji TV
- Oct. 4th, Tezuka marries Etsuko Okada
1960- On Japan Educational TV program "Echo of Tokyo, from View of Manga Writer."
1961- Birth of eldest son Makoto
- Establisment of Tezuka Osamu Production Animation
1962- Changes production name to "Mushi Productions"
- "Adventures of Sinbad","AstroBoy" movie, & writing "Doggie March" for Toei Films
1963- Visits America for NBC/AstroBoy contract
- Recieves various awards & honors such as Blue Ribbon Educational Culture Film Award , the Encouragment Award from the 17th Art Festival, & the Noburo Award at 17th Marnichi Film Contest for "Tales of Street Corner."
1964-1965- Produces numerous animations & illustrations such as "Amaziing Three", "warriors of Univers", & "Mermaid."
1966- "Kimba the white Lion" (Jungle Emporer) wins film of the year Childrens' Cultural Asset Center & Public Welfare, & Award for Broadcastiing.
- Releases "Pictures at an Exhibition" (which wins 4 major awards in 1967)
- "New Jungle Emporor: Go Ahead Leo!" goes on air
- "Pheonix" starts print in the 1st issue of "Com"
- 193rd and final episode of "AstroBoy"
1967-"Tezuka Osamu Exhibiton" opens at Cafekobotan later with conversation and screening of "Tales on a Street Corner", Pictures at an Exhibition", and "Drop"
1970- Produces "Kindly Lion", and wins many awards such as the Noburo Award
-Recieves the Manga Section Kodan-sha Publishing Cultural Award of Children for "Pheonix"
- Becomes president of Mushi Productions Co.
- Releases "Cleopatra" long animation- drafted, organized, & directed w/ Eiichi Yamamoto
1971- Becomes judge of 'Tezuka Osamu Award'
- Declines from presidancy of Mushi Productions Co.
1973- Mushi Productions becomes bankrupt
1971- "Tezuka Osamu 30 Years Exhibition" opens at Ogikubo Shimizu Museum
1975- Wins awards for "Black Jack", "Buddha", & "A Pet Animal" mangas
1977- Exhibitions at KBS Realisim Center in Kyoto & at Ikebakuro Seibu
1978- Leo becomes mascot of the baseball team the Seibu Lions
1980- At 54 years old, wites, drafts, & directs the long animation "Pheonix 2772: Space Firebird"
1982- Participates in "Manga Expo '82" at Uenonomori Museum
1983- Released the "Fantastic Adventure of Unico II" producted by Sanrio (makers of "Hello Kitty")
1988- Recieves Asahi Award for Creative Achievements After War
- Created sculpture "Laughter" for Kawasaki-shin Citezen Museum for exhibit of "Tezuka Osamu's Special world"
1989- Feb 9th, dies of stomach cancer at age 60
-Recieves many awards such as Producer of the Year, TV ATP Award Special Prize of All-Japan
1990- "Tezuka Osamu Exhibition" held at Tokyo Modern Museum
1991- Wins 1st place at "19th Pia Best 10 Art Section" of the magazine "Pia" for Tezuka Osamu Manga
1996- "Black Jack Exhibition" at Tezuka Osamu Manga Meseum, followed by many other seasonal and monthly exhibitions still going on today
- Visitors to his museum exceeds 1 million
1997- Commemorative stamp "50 Years After War Memorial 5 Osamu Tezuka" is sold

* all information/Images on the site has been gathered from internet (Tezuka Osamu@World)and library resources this timeline is in no way a complete compilation of his many many many achievements, but more of a brief look